Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ahh -- Rain! You can almost hear the garden sighing!

It's been way too dry so far; the grass crackles when I walk on it, and I can hear the tomatoes beg for a drink as I walk by. Sometimes I carry a couple of gallons of water, but I have to be careful; the one mean zucchini tried to trip me, and I thought I was going to have to call for Tom Bombadil to get me loose!

No, it's not that bad yet, and this afternoon's rain will help for a few days. Maybe long enough for me to bury a temporary water line out to the garden shed so I can do some watering at night. It's nice having our own well.

We've been dealing with pacemakers and other health issues, so I've been doing more reading than writing, but I'm getting caught up on some books I haven't had time for until now. Sometimes I wish there were 36 hours in a day instead of 24, but I'm sure the extra time would fill up to overflowing, and things would be right back to hectic in a hurry!

We've lost some good friends since I was last here, most notably Ray Bradbury. I still read his books whenever I get a chance. Another one I'll really miss is Andy Griffith. He was like everybody's favorite uncle, cousin, big brother, all rolled into one. I'm hopin' that up in Heaven there's a street sign pointing to Mayberry.

There are others, but these two are enough to miss for now.

And that's enough of this for now as well. Hoping not to take so long between entries -- gotta get back to what I'd like to do best!

see ya

Thursday, March 15, 2012

That long ago?

It's hard to believe the last time I posted on this blog was back in November! Lots of things happening since then. So much so that I don't know where to begin! But to keep it short, I'll just hit the high points.

I published two more books since then -- Mattie's Town, and Annie Down The Street on Kindle, and then moved my first book Mattie's Place  to Kindle as well. Now to get them visible enough to start selling!

We are currently visiting our daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids in Wickenburg, Arizona. It's beautiful here, and I've been doing lots of reading, and actually finished and published my third Kindle book from here a little over a week ago.

Dorie is retired now, so after this trip we'll settle down to learning how to live in today's economy on a retirement income. She's busy making dresses for our oldest granddaughter's upcoming (June) wedding. She'll be making the wedding cake as well -- a large Red Velvet cake. Lots of work!

I can't wait to get back into the garden! Even planted a row of peas on January 9th. Cari Grace, our youngest granddaughter, started some seeds for me yesterday back home, so I'll have some tomatoes and cucumbers all ready to go into the garden when it's time.

Will try to keep this more up to date, but gotta run along now.

That long ago?

It's hard to believe the last time I posted on this blog was back in November! Lots of things happening since then.