Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Life by Golda Meir

I’ve been reading My Life, by Golda Meir, and it’s a real eye-opener. It details the life of this amazing woman, and her part in the struggle for an autonomous Jewish state in Israel, and what they went through to establish it. I knew the British resisted their efforts during and just after WW2 to settle in Palestine, but I was amazed at the extent to which they went, to block that settlement.

Anyway, I just read a passage that describes the airlift of Yemeni Jews into Israel in late 1948. These Jews had been isolated as a people in Yemen for 2000 years or so, having been relocated there by the Romans, and serving as serfs and slaves since then, with no rights at all. Golda describes meeting the first planeload, and talking with an old man who had just gotten off the plane. She asked “Had you ever seen or been on a plane before?”

He replied “No, I never had even seen one up close.”

She said “You must have been terrified.”

“No, I was not. Why would I be frightened? I remembered the prophecy in Isaiah: ‘You shall mount up with wings of eagles’”

And she writes “Then he recited the whole passage from Isaiah, blessed God, and said “This was the fulfillment of that prophecy – why should I be afraid?”

I read that with tears streaming down my face – the simple faith of these people in God’s promise to preserve them was amazing!

This book will be a permanent part of my own personal library, and I highly recommend it for all who would like to learn more about what has been happening in Israel and the Middle East.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Learning Curve

Ahh yes -- there is indeed a learning curve associated with Windows 7. Also with MS Outlook, and a few other new bells and whissers on this beastie. But I'm learning!

Along with the new stuff on the machine, we've been busy with canning -- picked two rows of green beans this morning, and we (Dorie, mostly) have 18 pints of them in the canners right now. Should taste good come winter time! On Saturday, she put up two dozen+ pints of pickles -- zucchini pickles, dills, and a few jars of habanero dills as well.

Looked out in the garden the other day and saw this:

then a few evenings ago, this guy was lying in our back yard:

They don't seem to be nipping any more of our produce, and they're fun to watch!

More pix of the garden soon.

BTW -- that brown and white one is called a "piebald" deer. This one is a little deformed -- some are moreso -- due to the genetic aberrations that caused the cool color scheme. It seems to be healthy enough, though, and was out back dancing about the other evening while Dorie was bringing in the laundry off the back line.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back on the air!

OK -- I've got computer again! Now for the bit of a learning curve that comes with Windows 7.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm temporarily sans computer, getting updated to Windows 7 and a few other goodies.

Back soon, I hope.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Interesting tomato snatcher

I'm missing some Roma tomato plants from out back of my regular garden, in a spot where there were no tomatoes before. I had hoped to avoid the tomato blight for some Roma paste tomatoes that we will can for making sauce later. This critter has been nipping them. We see it morning and evening. Finally got a picture -- not a great quality picture, but enough to show what I'm dealing with.
Hoping to see it on opening day of deer season, as I love venison steaks and spiedies. And that hide will make a beautiful jacket!