Saturday, January 22, 2011

Coold again!

The temp was a little below 0 F this morning, and a couple of our water lines froze, but nothing too serious. It's up to 7 now, and Ijust came in from feeding the birds. We've got a Carolina Wren hanging around this year -- real pretty! It's the first one we've noticed in all the years we've been tending the feeders.
Still working on the story for Cari Grace. A puppy named Daisy, and a unicorn so far. Got several possible scenarios, and working towards one of them. Not easy writing for a precocious six-year-old!
Sent off my ms to the publisher yesterday, for initial edit. Hoping not to have to explain/insist on a couple of purposely misspelled words and grammatical anomalies.
Gotta go make some more sourkraut. We're down to one jar left, and it's good! I posted it here back in November 2009. when I first made it. It's still back there if you want to search back for it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Thirteenth

It's been a while! Too many trips to the funeral parlor -- been there five times since the New Year began, and that's not a pleasant way to start the year.

It's shaping up to be a cold weekend here! Supposed to get down near the single digits (F) tonight, and I'm getting to the point where I just can't handle that any more. I've decided that of the two choices, I'd rather complain about being too hot than too cold!

But while I'm shivering, I'm looking out at the garden and deciding what and where to plant in a few months. It's almost time to start onion seed, and a few other things follow shortly thereafter.

It's almost book time too! another month or so, and it should be out. Now working on a special book for my granddaughter. She's requested a story about a puppy named Daisy, and I'm hoping I get it right. Not easy writing for a six year old!

Gotta close this -- supper smells great!