A whole month gone by! Talk about busy! Been writing, gardening, working, sweating (a lot) etc etc.
Mattie's Place is doing okay, but not selling as fast as I had hoped. The follow-on book is almost ready to send in to the publisher, and I need one more short story for my "Loose Canon" collection. That's a "twilight zone" type bunch of strange short stories -- some scifi, some ghost stories, some flash fiction. I'm planning that one for the Kindle. Also for the Kindle is the futuristic (post-apocalyptic) trilogy I've been working on. The first one is in final edit mode, and may be placed on Kindle in August. I figure if I get that one out there it will give incentive to get the next one done. Especially if it sells well! :-)
Re : Loose Canon, that's a working title. Will probably change it for pub. I woke up a couple of weeks ago with a story on my mind, and had to get up (at 3AM) and write it. That makes two in that collection that hit me that way. It's an eerie feeling -- sort of like just being a channel form wherever the story originated. No, I'm not into "channeling" -- just a figure of speech!
The garden is out there. Not doing well, but it's out there. We're getting a few tomatoes and cucumbers, but no squash yet. Garlic is nearly ready to harvest. I planted beets, more peas, and more cukes and beans. Getting ready to start the broccoli, and will put in some kale for winter harvest, and some tunips as well. .
Watch for the August/September issue of Backwoods Home Magazine -- my garlic article should be in there.
2 days ago
Boy, you sure have been busy!