It's been raining here off and on for several days, so I've been working inside. On Monday I canned 30 pints of beets from the garden, and they'll taste great this coming winter. Now waiting to do tomatoes, sauce, chili sauce, and maybe some more pickles.
The garden is winding down, with only a row of late beans to pick right now. I harvested the garlic -- got a whole bunch of nice heads, mostly hard-neck, and a few soft-neck.
We had some big zucchini, and we used it for Dorie's zucchini stew -- like a rich spaghetti sauce, with chunks of zucchini in it. I put up 23 quarts of it in the pressure canner, and that'll be great on pasta, or just by itself with a loaf of Italian garlic bread on the side.
There are still some onions and peppers out there too, and a long row of sunflowers starting to bloom. Maybe I'll get some seeds to roast this year, but they mostly go to the birds as winter feed. I just hang up a head of them, and watch the birds go at them.
I've been working on my book too, and it's supposed to be out in March 2011. Doing final edit now, and it's amazing what a difference a hard copy makes, over reading it on the computer. Hoping this one goes well, as I have at least two more waiting their turn.
2 days ago